Mi-a picat din senin intrebarea asta, „cum se fac creioanele?”… Nu stiu de ce, nu prea am curiozitati din astea ciudate. Si creioane??? De unde si pana unde, nu stiu. Am gasit prin casa un creion din asta simplu, din lemn. Nu il foloseste nimeni, insa, acum ceva timp aveam o intreaga colectie de creioane… HB, B, H, 2B, etc. Cel mai uzual era cel HB. Desena bine! Poate de aici si intrebarea mea… cum se fac?
Un Google si iata si raspunsul:
The picture at left illustrates the steps involved in the manufacture of a wood pencil.
It starts with a block of cedar (1) which is then cut into slats (2).
The slats are then stained (3) and grooves are cut into one surface (4).
Prepared leads are placed into the grooves (5) and a second slat is placed on top and bonded with the first (6).
This ‘pencil sandwich’ is then passed through a milling process (7) to separate the individual pencils (8).
The pencil is painted and finished (9 & 10), a ferrule crimped onto the end (11), and finally, an eraser is crimped into the ferrule (12).
Sursa: How Pencils Are Made
:)) Merci! Dar nu istoria ma interesa, ci cum se fac 😉
pe mine ma intere cum se fac nu istori a si io din ce mai imi fac referatu?
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