Love stories happen everyday…

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Asta e genul de reclama care imi place. Povestea prinde si faptul ca incearca sa-ti vanda si niste produse nu mai deranjeaza… asta tinand cont de faptul ca suntem bombardati in fiecare zi de reclame care de care mai agresive, mai dornice sa te faca sa cumperi… Si in cazul de fata e vorba de make-up, dar ideea in sine e desteapta si poate ca ar trebui sa fie exploatata mai mult!

Love stories happen everyday…

This is my first time ever directing. I wrote this story on a flight to NY, inspired by the idea of two lovers meeting because of their phones. I wanted to try something different from my normal makeup tutorials, so I hope you guys enjoy this love story meshed with a makeup tutorial 🙂 Please watch till the end! (Michelle Phan)

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