Vis nebun, poezia cuiva

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Se intampla sa visam. Se intampla sa gasim in vis ceea ce cautam ziua sub clar de soare. Si unii scriu…

I had a dream last night that I held you.
And you still seemed as handsome to me.
But when I awoke I found you missin’.
It’s just another crazy dream for me.
Crazy dreams linger on as I face an empty
With no end to it all can I see.
For I’ve surely reached the end.
Lost your love to a friend.
Just another crazy dream for me.
Once you were mine and we were so happy.
I never thought that the end soon would be.
But now that you’re gone, and I’m so
It’s just another crazy dream for me.

– “Crazy Dream” Patsy Cline

Incercam sa imi aduc aminte de unde am poezia asta. Era ascunsa intr-un colt de document, undeva in umbra unui folder. As fi preferat sa-i spun sertar, dar nu mai am demult sertarul cu poezii rupte din carti, cu hartii ingalbenite de vreme. Din pacate.

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