Esti pe Facebook? E ok asa, existi! Iata si un cantecel dedicat, asculta cu atentie! 🙂
Kreepin’ Ain’t Easy (Original Facebook Creeping song)
I’m an internet blogger, A Facebook stalker
Let me meet your parents, Call me Gaylord Focker!
I’ve seen all ya pics, And your wall to wall discussions
Call me Plashenko, I’ll out drink you like a Russian
I’ve seen all your events
But I never get invited
But looking at your profile gets me tingly and excited
31 comments and I’m just gettin’ started
You can call me Timmy I’m special, not retarded!
Kreepin’ ain’t easy baby, Won’t you be mine (won’t you be mine!)
Today I’ve only looked at your profile, 63 times!
I said I can’t live without your updates, Says it hurts me inside (hurts me inside!)
To see your status go idle, Shows me that you got a life
Now I’m getting kind of antsy
And a tingly in the pantsy cuz ya just gave my status thumbs up
But I’m a little bit disgusted that you actually trusted,
A guy that jizzed in a Subway cup
And I’m getting kinda crazy creepin’ on all these ladies
they don’t even know who I am,
But like I said before ,Like Nintendo 64
The controls are in my hands (She’s got no privacy!)
Kreepin’ ain’t easy baby
Won’t you be mine (Won’t you be mine!)
Today I’ve only looked at your profile, 487 Times!
I said I can’t live without your updates
Says it hurts me inside (Hurts me inside!)
To see your status go idle, Shows me that you got a life
Dizzy D: Look man, I don’t think anybody out there
Is actually listening to what I just said!
So I’m gonna have my buddy Luscious break it down for you nice, and simple
Yo Luscious! Show em’ what you got!!!
I’m Luscious Luke, Pickin’ ladies like fruit!
But little do they know
I make fake events, Virtually look over ya fence
Facebook creepin’ is how I roll
Now me and Dizzy Dee, We be creepin’ MC’s
Best believe we be creepin’ on yous
Ya betta lock up ya doors, privacy controls
cuz we the best ever Facebook creepin’ crew! (Fother Mucker!)
Kreepin’ ain’t easy baby
Won’t you be mine (Won’t you be mine!)
Today I’ve only looked at your profile, 3,095 Times!
I said I can’t live without your updates
Says it hurts me inside (Hurts me inside!)
To see your status go idle
shows me that you got a life!
Kreepin’ ain’t easy baby
Won’t you be mine (Won’t you be mine!)
Today I’ve only looked at your profile
I can’t even count how many times!
I said I can’t live without your updates
Says it hurts me inside (Hurts me inside!)
To see your status go idle
shows me that you got a life!
Dizzy:Check one, check one, yo man I can’t hear anything out of my left side. No seriously man all I hear is ringing what’s going on!?
Luscious: Relax, relax we just be creepin’ that’s all. Hey did you see Joko’s new profile pic?
Dizzy: Yeah man, that shizzle be tight, I just creeped on that about 5 minutes ago, did you see those pictures!?
Luscious: Hey, Mark Zuckerberg, Rest in Peace baby!
Dizzy: Dude he’s not dead though man, he’s not dead!!!
L-am gasit aici.
:)) Super-piesă! „To see your status go idle/Shows me that you got a life!“ – GENIAL!
Cred ca alea-s cele mai tari versuri 😀
Andress, si totusi exist si eu 🙂
Draguta piesa 🙂
😛 Existam cu totii! O minune 😉
Ideea e ca au aparut glumele cu FB – cum apar cu toate cele la un anumit moment – nu esti pe FB nu existi/ti-ai ratat viata etc. So funny, so untrue! Uite aici un filmulet cu FB din South park:
Spune multe 😀
Andres, dragut filmuletul 🙂
Cum sa nu stiu de glume, am o colega la servici a carei fiica o trateaza cu toata infaturarea specifica varstei de 15 ani; i-a explicat mamei sale ca e demodata si ca niciodata nu-si va reface viata daca nu-si face si ea macar un profil pe FB, asa ca sa stie lumea ca exista si ea 🙂
🙂 Tare asta! Si eu care am avut soc cand si-a facut tata cont de FB si au inceput intrebarile, ce face, cum face, ce aia… ufff! Acum s-a linistit, a prins ideea. Copii din ziua de azi sunt altfel, uimitori in unele privinte!
Apropo de parinti si de Facebook…uite aici un filmulet scurt si f funny
Foarte tare! Parca sunt primele mele discutii cu tata legate de FB 😀 Numai ca tipul e cam dur…
da..putin cam dur 🙂 dar mai toti care fac standup com sunt asa 🙂
Imi aduci aminte de Ahmed 😀 Cred ca e unul dintre cele mai tari vazute:
da. super ahmed :))
Silence! I kill you! 😀
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